Saturday, February 09, 2008

everybody salsa!

Patience is heavy set and slow moving. She has wide hips that sway and a gentle way about her person, you know, soft spoken. Olive skin and green eyes, she smells of garlic and her sure-footed steps make small quakes when she passes. Patience is always well-dressed. Prudence is small-boned and bird-like, her cheekbones angular, her arms like white ribbons. Hope goes by unnoticed, she is plain and powdery. She stirs the air and a frosty dust settles over everything.

Patience, Prudence and Hope
walk into a bar

(all good jokes start with a bad bar)

Patience hastily downs
a quart of tequila
and starts makingout
with Prudence – she cups
Patience’s breast in
her left hand as
Hope looks on mortified,
heads turning, the three of them
glide to the center
of the bar and
the dance floor closes around them.
Patience grabs Hope
by the hand and
twirls her ‘round and ‘round –
Prudence thinks it’s all
a bit too much
and requests a KD Lang song,
“Constant Craving” but
the crowd is calling for
the Rolling Stones and
the weight of their
demand crushes
Patience and her
delicate/simple Hope – Prudence
being the only one left standing, one
ribbon hand wrapped around the DJ


At 7:47 AM, Blogger denielle said...

so beautiful. gets me right in the gut.


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